Real-world insights for leaders committed to building elite performance cultures. Watch and engage with Dr. Eric Downing on topics of leadership, strategy, critical thinking and competitive advantage.
Is Anchoring Sinking your Critical Thinking?
Are you convinced that your subject matter expertise about something is the exact thing that enables you to make better decisions about problems related to that subject? On the surfac [...]
Do You Have 10,000 Spare Hours?
We tend to think that if we do something regularly, routinely, and practice it often, we will probably be pretty good at it. In many cases, this is true. You've probably heard of the [...]
The Critical Components of Critical Thinking
When I ask leaders to tell me about the competitiveness of their organizations, they usually start rattling off a long list of favorable metrics about the company. It’s not uncommon f [...]
Skepticism is not Pessimism
I recently had an experience that caused me to step back and reevaluate the frame of reference under which individuals in my audience may be operating. I was doing a critical thinking [...]
Defeat the Straw Man
In my executive coaching practice, I have the opportunity to work with talented leaders with a wide range of skill sets and backgrounds. Although they have a wide range of experiences [...]
How to keep your corporate team intact in the new virtual workplace
Is your team still a team? In a virtual environment it is extremely easy for team building to take a backseat to a more task-oriented, day-to-day method of functioning. There’s a risk that teams will begin to disconnect and slip into the loose affiliation of a group.
What Leadership Style Works Best?
What leadership style should you embrace to ensure the greatest chance for success? It may be one of the most important decisions any new leader makes.
Why Leadership and Development Programs Fail, Part 1
It’s a sad but true fact that the majority of well-meaning leadership development and training programs fail, or at least fall short of expectations. As I coach and consult with C-Suite leaders, this ranks amongst the biggest disappointments that they routinely relate to me. In my experience, there are three primary reasons that these important initiatives fail to produce the desired results.
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